Sunday, June 4, 2023

Finally an Update on The Snake Cult!

 I ended up not running the Snake Cult game at ScrumCon, it just wasn't right for the convention.  It was too small of a game and didn't take enough time to play.  So I ended up running a Tunnels and Trolls rpg instead using some of my wooden guys for that game.  I don't have great pictures of it though, unfortunately.

However, I have continued to work on the Conan Snake Cult game as I will definitely be running this at Barrage this September and probably at ScrumCon next year if they enlarge their venue and schedule.  Regardless, here is an update!

I finally got the terrain all done, and most of the figures too, but I'll save those for later.  Here is a shot of the entire game board.  The tunnel at the front will come into play as the heroes attempt to flee with the princess in tow.  The rounded raised section is where the orgy is taking place.  The stairs lead up to a top level where Thulsa Doom (before he turns into a snake anyway) and the princess will be located, along with two guards patrolling the walkway in front of the pillars.  The stairway has the iconic "human pea soup" stone cauldron as well.

Now for some close ups.

I bumped it and the snake pillar moved a little so it's off center, but you get the idea.  And yes, just like in the movie, that's the top of a skull floating in the human pea soup, as well as skulls all around the raised circular area.

More later, when I get the figures finished, but I'm happy with the progress and the way it has turned out.  It is probably the most intricate piece I have ever done and I can't wait to see it with the figures on it during play.



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